It’s a brand-new day, do you wake up feeling refreshed and eager to face the day? Do you open your eyes and immediately relish the gift of another glorious opportunity? Do you awaken with an unshakable sense of gratitude and joy? If you answered no, you are not alone!
I am a preacher of joy, always talking about focusing on the blessings and finding gratitude. I am an absolute believer that life is a gift, and that joy can always be found within. I believe this to my core and, yet, some mornings, I find myself waking up with an undeniable sense of distaste & underlying anxiety.
A typical scenario might go something like this:
My alarm buzzes loudly, immediately reminding me how much I dislike that ringtone. My inner critic reminds me that I was supposed to change that yesterday but failed. Nothing notable has happened but for some reason, I have a pit in my belly. Maybe the jolting ringtone has brought on this sense of emotional discomfort? I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet and I am feeling an unexplainable sense of discontent with the day.
Suddenly, “Bob” (the name I gave my inner negative/judgmental voice) starts talking, reminding me that not only did I fail to change my ringtone, but I also didn’t get my blog written and I forgot to put the laundry in the dryer before bed. Also, I never made it to the store for milk. I really don’t enjoy black coffee and just wait until my daughter finds out that she will be eating her Honey Nut Cheerios dry while her favorite shorts are still wet. Oh boy, disappointed teenagers are so much fun! That reminds me, did I miss the cutoff for her field trip signup?
It's 4 am, I haven’t even gotten out of bed, and I am already stressing myself out. “Bob” won’t stop listing off my inadequacies. I swear, sometimes he writes a list while I sleep. He probably loves that alarm, it’s showtime for him. BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! That’s right, “Bob” is about to be the center of attention and he loves the stage. I just want to go back to sleep!
This is where the story changes, this is where “Bob” loses the spotlight. He loves to be on stage, and I know this about him. I know that he would love to take control of my entire day and probably tomorrow too. Knowing this about “Bob” has allowed me to master my ability to hush his voice and replace it with a sense of peace and wellbeing. Honestly, just naming the nagging voice, “Bob”, has helped separate it from reality.
I have a process and I use it EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
On a rough morning, the following steps help to quiet my “Bob”. On the days that I wake up in a great mood, this process helps me stay there, regardless of what life throws my way.
Step 1: Do something that makes you feel accomplished
I get up and make my bed, immediately. Doing this simple task helps me feel better by giving me a small sense of achievement and a freshly made bed for later.
Step 2: Hydrate
Head to the kitchen & drink a tall glass of water. This has been a life changing habit & I love it.
Step 3: Create a pleasant routine
I turn on the coffee maker and feed my pup breakfast. She is always grateful, happily wagging her tail, and this never fails to brighten my mood. I put away last night’s dishes while waiting for my coffee, adding to my list of early morning accomplishments.
Step 4: Feed the mind with positivity
Reading my daily devotional or some other form of uplifting & inspiring information while I drink my coffee and anticipate the sunrise is enough to spark a positive light. I no longer turn on the news because that has the opposite effect, generating more anxiety.
Step 5: Get moving
For me, it’s a change of clothes and going out the door to walk, bike or run. Fresh air and exercise are like magical medicine for the spirit. Yoga near a window or a video workout are 2nd best, if outdoors isn’t an option. I used to do this when my daughter was young and I had no sitter.
Step 6: Focus heavily on gratitude (Best done in conjunction with steps 1 thru 5)
I can often be found walking along talking out loud, listing off all the things I am grateful for. Some days, my blessings are as basic as the air that I breathe, my health, the sky, the sunrise, my eyesight, my legs, the ability to smell the flowers along my walk, looking forward to a hot shower with running water & electricity (I grew up with neither). Other days, I am bubbling with excitement about my new workout outfit or my plan to paddleboard or enjoy dinner with a friend later.
Step 7: Organize the day
Every day I create a list, either in my head or on paper, prioritizing what is urgent and what might spill over into the following days. Sticky notes on my cabinets are fun because I can physically remove them and toss them away, adding another sense of accomplishment. Making a list helps organize my thoughts & goals and stops my mind from spinning out of control.
Once I am through with this routine, “Bob” has faded away and my mood is bright or, at minimum, steadily headed toward the light. About this time, my daughter wakes up, oblivious to all that has happened while she slept. All she knows is that her mom wakes her up with a cheerful tone and a patient, gracious sense of being. Today is going to be a good day!
May you find blessings in the smallest things & may gratitude for those blessings fill your heart & your mind and bring you great joy!
If you are struggling with your inner skeptic and need help developing a plan to overcome your Bob, I would love to coach you. amity@eatfitlifewellness.com.
~ Amity
