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EatFitLife Transformational Membership
The 30 Day Happier Healthier Lifestyle Transformation

Membership Includes:
The 30 Day Happier Healthier Lifestyle Transformation Program

If you are ready to transforms your life and ready to live the healthy life that you have always dreamed of, but you don't know where to start...... This is the program for you.  Our founder Beth Douglas has taken her 1 on 1 program and developed an accelerated 30-day program. In the program Beth will guide you every day for 30 days. This program is available on your time and is as easy as pressing play to start. This isn't just an exercise program; it focuses on the “whole you”; guiding you through establishing your baseline with worksheets to help you tailor your specific needs. This program includes nutrition (meal plans), exercise, and tools on how to overcome your obstacles. If at any time you are stuck or challenged the team is an email away. And it's included in our membership. We are excited to serve you as you press play to start your healthy and happy transformation.  The next button to press is the right button. Join Now


Monthly Transformation Membership

Inside the monthly Transformational Membership, you will find fun and energizing training sessions that are focused on creating muscle and restoring your metabolism.  Our training sessions will push you to new levels of strength, mobility, and relaxation. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, our virtual fitness sessions are for you. Our team will help you increase your strength and motivate you to push yourself harder.


Keep an eye out for our Live Pop-up guest as well as Nutrition & Life Coaching live group sessions. Following is a list of our weekly sessions; these sessions are recorded and available to our members anywhere and anytime. The next button to press is the right button. Join Now

Gym Equipments
  • Monthly Membership

    Every month
    EatFitLife’s Transformational Membership (Monthly)
    • Unlimited Classes & Workshops
    • Billed Monthly

Strength Sweat & Stretch 

During this Yoga inspired workout we will be connection our strength movements with a flow from one movement to the next.  We will inspire you to push your body just a tiny bit out of your comfort zone. And in the end, we will spend some time stretching to release tightness and tension in the muscles, as we give you some time to completely release the stress of the outside world.  This workout will leave you drenched with sweat and clarity to get a great night of rest before you start your workweek. 


Sunrise Coffee & Clarity 

“Grab your morning coffee or your tea and sit with me to get ready mentally for the day! Bringing our focus around our breathing while sitting in stillness helps create a sense of bliss to start your day.” 


Strength and Fat Burner 

During this workout we will focus on building muscle while in your fat burning zone. An idea workout for anyone looking to get lean, fit and toned fast.


The Metabolism Boosting Workout 

This workout is designed to restore your metabolism, by building muscles mass. 1 pound of muscles require 300 – 500 calories a week and we want to create a metabolism that will melt away stored fat.  During this class we will focus on exhausting the muscles using weights, while performing high repetitions – this is the secret to developing lean, athletic muscle.


Hump Day Legs & Gluteus Maxout 

This workout will focus building muscles in and around your legs and glutes. We will also ignite the sweat with tiny blast of cardio to challenge your aerobic capacity. This class will help build a faster metabolism.


The Metabolism Boosting Workout

This workout designed to restore your metabolism, by building muscles mass. 1 pound of muscles require 300 – 500 calories a week and we want to create a metabolism that will melt away stored fat.  During this class we will focus on exhausting the muscles using weights, while performing high repetitions – this is the secret to developing lean, athletic muscle.


Weekend Jumpstart Pre-Burn 

30 – 60 minutes we will focus on moving your butt.  This workout can be anything from burpees to an outdoor walk or run.

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